122. FRANK ZAPPA: America Drinks
A detailed analysis of the above Frank Zappa composition.
America Drinks

There's some serious cracking up going on between FZ and Ray (?) here! Frank can hardly get his second oh, no! out ... this easy-going "let's not take ourselves too seriously" leitmotif of CC still worked 21 years later with Frank and Ike Willis, who seemed to crack each other up quite often!
I tried to find
Two Cool Things To Notice Here:
See how FZ double-tracked the vocal AND delayed the second track; and
Note how the melody has "absolutely" nothing to do with the drum part!
Heart could be so blind-
(Wanna buy some pencils?)
Now that's funny! Even funnier was a lyric transcription we saw somewhere which had it as, "Wanna buy some 'Penzo'."
Just like the rest ... you came...
Listen REALLY carefully after Ray sings the word came -- a short pause and you can hear a very strange mmmm-type sound!
Just what it feels like
Sharp edit to a fast 4/4 -- sounds like circus music! Timpani, tambourine, clavinet(?), sax -- all jamming madly!
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America Drinks

There's some serious cracking up going on between FZ and Ray (?) here! Frank can hardly get his second oh, no! out ... this easy-going "let's not take ourselves too seriously" leitmotif of CC still worked 21 years later with Frank and Ike Willis, who seemed to crack each other up quite often!
I tried to find
Two Cool Things To Notice Here:
See how FZ double-tracked the vocal AND delayed the second track; and
Note how the melody has "absolutely" nothing to do with the drum part!
Heart could be so blind-
(Wanna buy some pencils?)
Now that's funny! Even funnier was a lyric transcription we saw somewhere which had it as, "Wanna buy some 'Penzo'."
Just like the rest ... you came...
Listen REALLY carefully after Ray sings the word came -- a short pause and you can hear a very strange mmmm-type sound!
Just what it feels like
Sharp edit to a fast 4/4 -- sounds like circus music! Timpani, tambourine, clavinet(?), sax -- all jamming madly!
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