411. Amazon Echo "Skills" as of 2/21/16
Amazon Echo "Skills" as of 2/21/16:
Email Assistant
Hey Dad and tell
me a joke
ASK Powerball
helper, for a good selection for powerball
Mindfulness for a
minute meditation
USE APRS and locate
kilo victor sixmike dash seven
ASK Basket if whole
milk is on sale near Arlington, VA
Basic Fantasy to
roll a Thief
OPEN Lyrical
ASK Aurora
Surfable about
Ocean Beach Pier
Tube Status about
the Victoria line
Magic 8-Ball if I am going to be rich
Earthquakes what's shakin'
My ghost what's Xur selling
Area Code where is eight six zero
OPEN Daily Affirmation
ASK Stone Ridge Food what are they serving today
Automatic where my car is
TELL Moby link to turn my kitchen lights on
OPEN Stopwatch and start
ASK Teen Dating Violence
OPEN The magic door
ASK The L Train when it's coming?
ASK RhymeZone what rhymes with banana?
Cat Facts
ASK Scout to arm home mode
OPEN Quick Events
TELL The Listeners that I am filled with happiness
Me the current Bitcoin price
OPEN Starlanes
ASK Thermostat to set the temperature to seventy one
Toronto Transit when is the next streetcar 504
Mom Jokes to tell me a joke
ToughGuy to tell me a joke
OPEN Conversation Starter
TALK To Reflections
OPEN Focus Word
ASK Audio Goal for a goal
OPEN Domino's
Space Weather
ASK MotoQuote for a Quote
OPEN Metronome
ASK Battery boot where to buy it?
ASK DC Metro for the next train arriving at Columbia Heights
OPEN Fortune Cookie
ASK Haiku for a poem
TELL SkyBell to turn on quiet mode
OPEN ToughGuy
Dino trivia
ASK Lunch bot what's for lunch today
ASK Hebcal when is Passover?
Math Tutor for 3
The Doctor
Word Master to play a game
OPEN BioRhythm
The Name Game and use Alexa
ASK TV Shows when is American Idol on?
OPEN Subway
ASK The bartender, what's in a Tom Collins?
OPEN Lizard Spock
ASK Magic eight ball will it rain today
START Akinator
TELL Garageio to close my door
OPEN The Law
ASK Uber to request a ride
The dealer to deal the cards
Pug Bomb for three pugs
The Rabbi what time is Shabbos in New York?
OPEN One two three
START Trivia challenge
ASK Yo Mama to make a joke
The dog if we fed her?
Currency Converter to convert twenty dollars to euros
Founding Fathers for a quote
OPEN InsultiBot
ASK Math Mania to play
Craft Helper what's the recipe for a saddle
LAUNCH House band
ASK NYC Transit what is the status of 7?
LOAD Today's Astronomy Picture
ASK Trove about Barack Obama
Guitar Tuner to tune my guitar
For a fart
LAUNCH Guess The Number
TELL Me a dog fact.
OPEN Teacher
The Scriptures
Yo Mama Joke
START Seven minute workout
TELL Bean Jar to add ten points to Gryffindor
ASK Santa where is he?
HuffPost for headlines
Cat raiser how is my cat
Sassy persona to get the weather
7 Sigma for my update
TELL Mirror mirror
Fact Core
Baby Names
ASK Hanker what's happening today
Power ball for a quick pick
START Presidential Trivia
LAUNCH Booze Trivia
OPEN Combat and hit the dragon with my sword
TELL Dice Bag to roll for me
ASK Game Dice to roll three ten siders
START Big Game
LAUNCH Cove Trivia
START Dogecoin
OPEN Football Trivia
Laugh box
ASK Mr. Junky Food what to eat today
My Dermatologist what's the u.v. index
LAUNCH Space Trivia
ASK Daily Prayers for prayer times in Seattle
OPEN Bitcoin Rate
ASK Fantasy Football Nerd for headlines
Movie info about the Magnificent Seven
Powerball, what are the powerball numbers?
Superpower for a conversation topic
The Tube what's happening on the District
PLAY Manchester City Trivia
TELL Vivint to lock my doors
START My Messages
TELL HomeSeer to turn on the kitchen light
OPEN The Bible
High Low
Phone Finder
LAUNCH Happy Birthday
ASK Apollo to tell me a fact
TELL Me an Edgar fact
START Animal Game
ASK AnyMote to pause my Sonos
FreeBusy to see if Paula is free Tuesday
Techcrunch news for headlines
Event Guide what's going on today in Boston
Famous Quotes to tell me a quote
START Eliza (pronounced “ih-L-AY-z-uh”)
TELL Simple control to watch TV
OPEN Daily Word
ASK Campbell's Kitchen what's for dinner
OPEN Bingo
ASK Random Number for a number
Woot what is the deal on electronics?
Mojio where is my car
OPEN Essential Trivia
Pickup lines
ASK Animal Sounds what a noise a lion says
Grandmom for candy
OPEN Demotivate
Shower Thoughts
Tweet Pollution
PLAY Jeopardy!
OPEN Stock Exchange
ASK Horoscope what is the horoscope for Gemini?
My Buddy to help me get started
Glados to tell me something
START Star Wars Quiz
ASK Glympse where is Sylvia?
OPEN Math Puzzles
ASK The Bible App to read John 3 verse 16
TELL LIFX to turn my bedroom lights off
ASK Agog Reader for Barack Obama
LAUNCH Crystal Ball
TELL Stringify to run movie night
ASK StubHub what's happening this weekend
LAUNCH Music quiz
OPEN The wizard
LAUNCH Drive Time
OPEN Perfect Pitch
ASK AOL for the top headlines
Translator to say “it's raining” in Italian
OPEN Trivia Talk
ASK Zip Code what city is Zip Code 20120
TELL The Dude to give me a quote
ASK Baseball Archive about Willie Mays
LAUNCH Beat Cylinder
ASK The innkeeper to say hello to the image
TELL Math Kata to start an easy addition game
OPEN Memory Master
START Force Trivia
ASK Lotto Now for Powerball numbers
Meteor showers what is happening tonight
Angry Bard for a burn
Age Calculator, how old is someone born on June 12, 2015?
TELL Capital Quiz to start practicing
My admirer to make me smile
START Movie Quotes
LOAD Call Sign and find november zero uniform sierra mike
ASK Fidelity to get a quote for Amazon
Pronunciations how to pronounce B.I.T.S.
Daddy for a hug
TELL Rachio to start zone one for six minutes
OPEN Trivia Alex
ASK Mirror Mirror On The Wall who is the fairest of them all?
LAUNCH Impossible Baseball Quiz
ASK Linkboard to search news about [a topic]
LAUNCH “Spammy”
USE Ooma to call 650-555-1234
ASK Knock knock
Kasa to turn the lights on
START AccuWeather
OPEN Thirteen
ASK Tide Pooler to get tide information for major coastal cities
TELL Christmas Caroler to spread holiday cheer
LAUNCH Michigan Footabll Trivia
OPEN Adventure and play dave of doom
ASK Calculator for nine plus five [ALEXA DOES THIS BY DEFAULT!]
START 21 Dayz
ASK Trump how do you feel about China
OPEN Elf Trivia
ASK Hawk Bus about 7252
LAUNCH Mystery Castle
Hollywood Trivia
OPEN Tip of Tongue's
Women's underwear
LAUNCH Beer Trivia
OPEN Bitcoin Price Checker
ASK Block World Trivia
TELL Bulls Cows to start a game
OPEN Cheer lights
ASK Convrge, who's online
Cookbook how to make a burger
LAUNCH Cricket quiz
Domain Name information
ASK Esports Ticker for live matches
START Five Card Draw
ASK Loft Cinema what is playing now (Tucson, AZ)
OPEN Fortune
ASK Freedom Quotes for a quote
Gold Bug what's the price of (gold/silver/oil)
LAUNCH Gridiron Trivia
OPEN Hacker News
ASK Hacker News for top stories
START Hacking History
ASK Indian Guy to tell me an Indian fact
Iris to holler at John
OPEN ITIL Foundation Quiz
LAUNCH JavaScript Quiz
ASK KCRW what's playing
OPEN Let's multiply
Long Weekend
ASK Market for news
START Challenge memory
OPEN Missouri football
ASK My dee link to turn off bedroom light
Powerball for the winning numbers
OPEN Presidential Trivia
LAUNCH Quick Check Quiz
TELL Quoter to tell me quote
ASK Qvine, when is the next quarterly meeting
Randomizer for a random number
LAUNCH Reindeer Games
OPEN Resistor Decoder
ASK Sage of elements to tell me about calcium
TALK To Satoshi
ASK Seattle Transit for directions from Ballard to Capitol Hill
Tech Buzz to tell me something smart
USE Keeper and start a singles match with red team's serve
ASK The Tube if there any delays
OPEN Product Hunt
ASK Trainer Tips what's weak against Fireside
LAUNCH Air Force Trivia
ASK Trivia with friends for the free answer
TELL Uncle Shakespeare to insult me!
ASK USA Today to give me the news