401. The Complete Works of Frank Zappa

#01: Freak Out! (2LP) (1966)
#02: Absolutely Free (LP) (1967)
#03: Lumpy Gravy (LP) (1968)
#04: We're Only In It For The Money (LP) (1968)
#05: Cruising With Ruben & The Jets (LP) (1968)
#06: Uncle Meat (2LP) (1969)
#07: Mothermania (LP) (1969)
#08: Hot Rats (LP) 1969)
#09: Burnt Weeny Sandwich (LP) (1970)
#10: Weasels Ripped My Flesh (LP) (1970)
#11: Chunga's Revenge (LP) (1970)
#12: Fillmore East -- June 1971 (LP) (1971)
#13: 200 Motels (2LP) (1971)
#14: Just Another Band From L.A. (LP) (1972)
#15: Waka/Jawaka (LP) (1972)
#16: The Grand Wazoo (LP) (1972)
#17: Over-Nite Sensation (LP) (1973)
#18: Apostrophe (') (LP) (1974)
#19: Roxy & Elsewhere (2LP) (1974)
#20: One Size Fits All (LP) (1975)
#21: Bongo Fury (LP) (1975)
#22: Zoot Allures (LP) (1976)
#23: Zappa In New York (2LP) (1978)
#24: Studio Tan (LP) (1978)
#25: Sleep Dirt (LP) (1979)
#26: Sheik Yerbouti (2LP) (1979)
#27: Orchestral Favorites (LP) (1979)
#28: Joe's Garage Act I (LP) (1979)
#29: Joe's Garage Acts II & III (2LP) (1979)
#30: Tinseltown Rebellion (2LP) (1981)
#31: Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar (LP) (1981)
#32: Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar Some More (LP) (1981)
#33: Return Of The Son Of Shut Up 'n Play Yer Guitar (LP) (1981)
#34: You Are What You Is (2LP) (1981)
#35: Ship Arriving Too Late To Save A Drowning Witch (1982)
#36: The Man From Utopia (LP) (1983)
#37: Baby Snakes (LP) (1983)
#38: London Symphony Orchestra, Vol. I (LP) (1983)
#39: Boulez Conducts Zappa: The Perfect Stranger (LP) (1984)
#40: Them Or Us (2LP) (1984)
#41: Thing-Fish (3LP) (1984)
#42: Francesco Zappa (LP) (1984)
#43: The Old Masters, Box One (7LP) (1985)
#44: Frank Zappa Meets The Mothers Of Prevention (LP) (1985)
#45: Does Humor Belong In Music? (CD) (1986)
#46: The Old Masters, Box Two (8LP) (1986)
#47: Jazz From Hell (LP) (1986)
#48: London Symphony Orchestra, Vol. II (LP) (1987)
#49: The Old Masters, Box Three (9LP) (1987)
#50: Guitar (2LP) (1988)
#51: You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 1 (2CD) (1988)
#52: You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, The Helsinki Tapes, Vol. 2 (2CD) (1988)
#53: Broadway The Hard Way (LP) (1988)
#54: You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 3 (2CD) (1989)
#55: The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life (2CD) (1991)
#56: You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 4 (2CD) (1991)
#57: Make A Jazz Noise Here (2CD) (1991)
#58: You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 5 (2CD) (1992)
#59: You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore, Vol. 6 (2CD) (1992)
#60: Playground Psychotics (2CD) (1992)
#61: Ahead Of Their Time (CD) (1993)
#62: The Yellow Shark (CD) (1993)
#63: Civilization Phaze III (2CD) (1994)
#64: The Lost Episodes (CD) (1996)
#65: Läther (3CD) (1996)
#66: Frank Zappa Plays The Music Of Frank Zappa: A Memorial Tribute (CD) (1996)
#67: Have I Offended Someone? (CD) (1997)
#68: Mystery Disc (CD) (1998)
#69: Everything Is Healing Nicely (CD) (1999)
#70: FZ:OZ (2CD) (2002)
#71: Halloween (DVD-A) (2003)
#72: Joe's Corsage (CD) (2004)
#73: QuAUDIOPHILIAc (DVD-A) (2004)
#74: Joe's Domage (CD) (2004)
#75: Joe's XMASage (CD) (2005)
#76: Imaginary Diseases (CD) (2006)
#77: Trance-Fusion (CD) (2006)
#78: The MOFO Project/Object (fazedooh) (2CD) (2006)
#79: The MOFO Project/Object (4CD) (2006)
#80: Buffalo (2CD) (2007)
#81: The Dub Room Special! (CD) (2007)
#82: Wazoo (2CD) (2007)
#83: One Shot Deal (CD) (2008)
#84: Joe's Menage (CD) (2008)
#85: The Lumpy Money Project/Object (3CD) (2009)
#86: Philly '76 (2CD) (2009)
#87: Greasy Love Songs (CD) (2010)
#88: "Congress Shall Make No Law ..." (CD) (2010)
#89: Hammersmith Odeon (3CD) (2010)
#90: Feeding the Monkies at Ma Maison (CD) (2011)
#91: Carnegie Hall (4CD) (2011)
#92: Understanding America (2CD) (2012)
#93: Road Tapes, Venue #1 (2CD) (2012)
#94: Finer Moments (2CD) (2012)
My February 3, 1999 interview with long-time FZ collaborator and genius graphic designer/artist Cal Schenkel can be found here.